Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Year Check Up aka post written in two minutes

I know I haven't posted much lately but we've been pretty crazy around here. When we got back from Indiana Bug decided her bedtime had changed to 10pm. Which means mommy's cleaning time got pushed back and her 'mommy time' got eradicated completely. So no blogs for all you curious people wondering what's been happening over here in Florida. I found a rare few minutes in the day today so I figured I'd at least tell you all how Bug's one year check up went yesterday.

Our little Amazon is 31 inches and 23lbs. Think she eats enough? She'd been spitting up a lot lately and it's the nastiest smell imagineable. Turns out we've been giving her WAY too much whole milk. Oops. Now we know better though :)

I had about thirty questions for the doctor and she was patient enough to wait for me to ask all of them before running off to her next patient. I love her.

We got the OK for the forward facing car seat which is good because we already bought one!

They turned my little angel into a pin cushion with all the shots and she was such a little trouper! She had three shots in her thigh, two in her arms and her finger pricked and she didn't cry once. The nurse commented first on how strong she was and secondly on her high threshold for pain. She gets that last one from mommy :)

Well, my time is up. I'll try to finish a bit later.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good to know you havent fallen ff the face of the earth!