Sunday, March 8, 2009

Karlyn's First Fight

Karlyn got in her first fight today. The little boy next door is 6 months older than her, yet smaller! We call them boyfriend & girlfriend and Karlyn even thinks that is his name, your boyfriend. They play pretty well together except that he always takes all the toys. Normally she lets him and doesn't stick up for herself....until today. I'm not too worried about her being bullied when she gets to school! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pet Sematary maybe?

Almost everyday Bug and I go for a short walk on the golf course behind the units to see if we can find any golf balls or sticks, she loves to beat me with sticks. So I set her down to run, we walk a couple feet and then I see this

Click on it to see if it gets bigger. If not then I suggest right-clicking and saving so you can open it with a program that has a zoom function.

I could tell that it was two different animals....but what I didn't understand is why one is skeletal and the other still has fur! So my theory is that Fur Corpse found Skeletal Corpse, tried to eat it, got his jaw stuck, couldn't move and died of starvation.

Anyone else have any better ideas?

And does anyone have an idea of what the hell kind of animals they are?

And how the hell did it end up on the golf course!!!

The really creepy part was when I got closer to take the picture and a strange noise started coming from the tree branches directly above me and the dead thing. Needless to say we booked it. :)

So chime in, I want to hear your ideas!