Monday, December 22, 2008

Bug and Santa

We finally made it to the mall today to see Santa. The line was only ten people deep so we were in and out in half an hour.

When our turn came we put Bug down. She walked over to Santa and gave him a huge smile. He talked to her for a minute (apparently he's relocated to the South Pole as he had a southern accent) and she kept on smiling at him until ... we put her on his lap. Then she freaked. And I do mean freaked. That kid was scared!! We even gave her daddy's phone as that always calms her down. Didn't work. The first two pictures made it look like we'd handed her over and just walked off. The third was so pouty that it was just pathetic. The photographer started shaking some bells before the fourth picture and that got her attention long enough for a decent picture.

Still pretty pathetic :) See the tears in her eyes? Poor baby!

Afterwards Santa gave her a candy cane and that made everything better :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The ABCs

I know I haven't written much lately, sorry about that. Things have been a little crazy lately. Here's the highlights (or lowlights depending on which letter you're looking at):

A) Bug had a viral infection this last week, runny nose, diarrhea, fever. The works. Not a happy baby.

B) In addition to being miserable from her cold, Bug has also cut two teeth in the last five days! Eight teeth in that little mouth! Needless to say, I don't stick my finger in there to brush her teeth anymore!!!

C) Josh got a promotion!!! Good news is better title and slightly more pay, bad news is he'll probably be working more.... if that's even possible. It also means we'll be staying in Florida for at least another year, I'm ok with that as long as we find somewhere else to live. Which brings me to D

D) We've been looking at apartments, houses, townhomes, all that good stuff over the last week. I just don't understand why there are no new housing/apartment developments in the good parts of the city(ies). Everything is at least ten years old which means the appliances are at least five years old. Kill me. Dining rooms are carpeted (not good for a one year old who throws food) or the entire house is tile (our current downstairs is all tile, Bug's had a few mishaps, I'm ready for carpet!).

E) Josh and I have been talking about #2 lately. Now calm down grandmas! We're just toying with the idea. Neither one of us can commit to thinking it's a good idea just yet so I guarantee (about as much as birth control is a guarantee) that it won't be happening anytime soon. Just curious as to people's thoughts on the matter. My brother is having his second (plus GF has a three year old from previous) 17 months apart from his first (don't quote me, I suck at math) and I'm curious how life will be for him. I also have a good friend whose children will be just 6 months apart (I think, again, don't quote me on these things, I'm tired) and I'm really curious how that will go. Anyway, anyone with experiences on kids being two years apart, give me the ups and downs! I'm trying to weigh pros and cons. In the end we'll do what we think is best for us but still, it's on my mind.

F) My mom's coming for Christmas!! Woohoo!! So I actually decorated the house, hung christmas lights and even bought a cheapass fake tree from the dollar store! It's cute :) Now if I could just figure out how to keep the hellions (cat and baby) away from the garland....

Ok, that's about it folks. I'd post a couple pictures of the brat (and yes, she is a brat. That first bite of birthday cake seems to have given her the impression that she's entitled to any/everything. She also now knows that my world revolves around her and I think she's figured out how to manipulate that....brat.) but it's been so busy I haven't downloaded any pictures from the camera lately. Sorry.

I leave you all with a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Whichever you'd prefer.

Now where's that eggnog.......

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Year Check Up aka post written in two minutes

I know I haven't posted much lately but we've been pretty crazy around here. When we got back from Indiana Bug decided her bedtime had changed to 10pm. Which means mommy's cleaning time got pushed back and her 'mommy time' got eradicated completely. So no blogs for all you curious people wondering what's been happening over here in Florida. I found a rare few minutes in the day today so I figured I'd at least tell you all how Bug's one year check up went yesterday.

Our little Amazon is 31 inches and 23lbs. Think she eats enough? She'd been spitting up a lot lately and it's the nastiest smell imagineable. Turns out we've been giving her WAY too much whole milk. Oops. Now we know better though :)

I had about thirty questions for the doctor and she was patient enough to wait for me to ask all of them before running off to her next patient. I love her.

We got the OK for the forward facing car seat which is good because we already bought one!

They turned my little angel into a pin cushion with all the shots and she was such a little trouper! She had three shots in her thigh, two in her arms and her finger pricked and she didn't cry once. The nurse commented first on how strong she was and secondly on her high threshold for pain. She gets that last one from mommy :)

Well, my time is up. I'll try to finish a bit later.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

1st Birthday!!!!

I have much to write about but my brain is muggled from exhaustion due to trying to wear my kid out tonight. Mission accomplished but the sacrifice is a catch-you-up blog. So instead I shall post birthday pictures!

The Cake

The Birthday Girl in her Elmo Birthday Crown

Bug's Piece

Mmm, this is pretty good

The Face Dive

Mmm, this plate tastes good too!

Now this is how it's done!

Very happy birthday girl!

Diggin' in for a present

Unwrapping another present

She really liked this one. Like old friends :)

She really liked getting presents out of bags!

I don't know, I just think it's cute :)

Pretty easy to tell she likes this one!

Yeehaw! See ya'll later!!

I'd post more but my exhaustion tactics seem to have failed me. It's alive! I do have to mention that she was on a major sugar rush after that cake! She crashed at 7:30pm and went from happy one second to screaming/crying the next. I'm not exaggerating either.

Crap, gotta go.