Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bug's middle of (her) night thought process

8pm Bedtime

yawn, fall asleep


yawn, stretch, 'hmm, it's still night time, I should be sleeping...ok back to sleep.'


WAIT! I sense just sat down to watch TV, eat dinner and relax!!!!.......WWWAAAAHHHHHHHH WWWAAAAHHHHHHH


ok, daddy's home, I got to get up for two hours and mommy got stressed instead of getting to eat and relax. My job is done. I'm ready for bed.

My child is evil and wants me to end up in the looney bin.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Josh has crabs :(

This is what Josh's employee found in their VIP lounge last night.

If one were to crawl into my house I can guarantee I would be upstairs in a split second........crabs can't climb stairs right?!?!?!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jersey Vacay

Apparently I've been taking a vacation in New Jersey. Man, I wish I remembered! I really am curious as to how I racked up $700 at a 7/11. Gas must be pretty expensive there!

Someone stole my Discover Card number. Funny thing is there's nothing on it. Ha Ha to the stupid idiot that tried to make my life hell. Thank God for Fraud Protection.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Josh's first Father's Day ... or Daddy Day as I call it

It was pretty simple. Josh's boss was kind enough to give him the day off so Bug and I woke him up this morning with a cup of coffee, his card (complete with Bug's handprint in fingerpaint), a frame with picture of Bug for his office and the best present in Josh's world........

Peanut Butter Pie!

{It's supposed to be a K at the bottom, as in K get it right? Anyway, by the time he saw it it looked more like an H so he reffered to it as H2, as in the vehicle. Not my fault Hershey's Syrup is runny!}

Anyway, we also went out to eat at Grumpy Dick's and then came home and hung out all day. It was nice, fun and relaxing, which is good because we won't get to spend another full day with daddy until the end of next week. Sometimes I hate his job.

Happy Daddy Day to all those wonderful dads out there.
(Sorry this post is so late, I couldn't get the picture to upload and we had to have the picture!

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm taking a break from my obsessive reading of this blog so that I can share with you some of the fun and/or interesting moments that have been going on around here lately.

For instance, my child can't seem to keep her diaper on anymore...

...hanging by one strap. Don't ask me how she gets it off, I haven't figured it out yet.

Bug has also learned to clap, not something I taught her but something she picked up from watching me.

We bought Bug some new shades

And whatever you do, don't go to sleep with Bug on the loose...

(excuse my snorting and the camera shaking, I couldn't keep from laughing)

and he slept through it all. Amazing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Literary Addiction if you will

I know I haven't written anything in a while. The reason for this is I found a link to a blog where a woman is reliving her recent experience in an institution through blog posts, chapters if you will. I started reading her story out of curiousity then got to the last chapter she'd written thus far and became quite intrigued with the rest of her life. That's when my obsession began. I started with the oldest post I could find and have since read about two years. I'm still two years away from caught up.

This woman's blog reads to me like a Stephen King novel, as in I can't put it down. I spend the majority of my free time reading. I think when I finally get caught up I'm going to have withdrawals.

Anyway, if you're interested in a good read that's not quite finished yet click here

or if you'd like to immerse yourself in a world of practical jokes, random nonsense, foul language and sarcastic humor, click here

Until I get caught up just know that we're all fine over here :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I'm feeling the love....

Bug has been going through Seperation Anxiety lately. While it is frustrating and tiresome as all hell, it's also quite wonderful to feel needed and loved in this way.

The frustrating points are obvious:

  1. If I leave a room she cries
  2. If I leave a room and she doesn't cry, she attempts to follow me ..... down the stairs
  3. When she's supposed to be falling asleep for a nap or bedtime she looks around and cries if she doesn't see me, meaning I have to sit there the entire time until she falls asleep, all the while a zillion thoughts run through my head about what I want to get accomplished while she's sleeping making me crazy that I can't start already
  4. When in her stroller she is perfectly content, unless she sees me, then she remembers I'm supposed to be in her sights at all times and content gets tossed out the window, so does the walk

The parts I cherish:

  1. When I have left a room and come back in she smiles
  2. When I have left a room and have to go back to pick her up before she tumbles down the stairs, she smiles
  3. When she's supposed to be falling asleep for a nap or bedtime and she looks around for me and makes eye contact, she smiles and turns her head to the side almost like she's shy (you need to see it, so adorable)
  4. When she's in her stroller and I have to pick her, smile or no smile that's just annoying

Anyway, so as you can see I have very mixed emotions on the subject of Seperation Anxiety.

The one thing I enjoy the most and have come to look forward to is when she's ready for a nap. Used to be she'd just get real fussy and start crying. Now she crawls to me (ok so more like crawl, flop, crawl, flop, but she's getting better!), grabs my hands, lifts herself up to a stand and then falls forward against me enveloping my neck in her arms.

Sleepy hugs are the best.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Freaking Houdini

So yesterday, I put Bug down for a nap even though she didn't want one.

She played for a few minutes and then started fussing.

All of a sudden the fussing stopped. I knew she hadn't gone to sleep because then the fussing would have tapered off.

So I go up to check.

Turns out she quit fussing because she found something new to entertain her
Mom, check it out, I got a new toy.
I don't know where it came from but it tastes interesting!

What? It was on my butt and I put it in my mouth?!

I want this clock

I've decided I want a specific type of clock.

I want one with a face and hands, but also digital.

I want each individual number to light up.

So for instance, when it's 2:43 the clock would look like this

Now I know, it's a very crude picture, but I still want one! See how all the numbers are gone until they're in use? Except for 12, 3, 6, 9 of course because they're usually standard on a face clock.

So anyway, if anyone knows where I can get a clock like this let me know....otherwise I'm going to have to hire someone to make it for me.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6 month check up

We had Bug's 6 month check up today. She is 28 inches and 18lbs 12ozs. She's in the 98th percentile! Doctor said everything was great. We're supposed to start giving her solids twice a day. Ahh the mess I get to clean up now.

She had another set of shots today, she did soooo much better than her previous shots. She didn't cry the first time but started to get really upset the next three. When it was over and daddy picked her up the crying stopped. I wanted her and she wanted me so I carried her out and she buried her head in my shoulder until we got in the car, that's when she passed out. I swear they put sedatives in those shots. How many babies don't pass out after their shots?

So today was easy. She doesn't go back until 9 months and all is well :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Demise of Miss Kitty

In highschool a family friend gave me two ceramic cats, one white and one black. They were like bookends in that they sat facing away from each other. I lost the white one somewhere, somehow within the last eight years. The black one I had managed to keep unscathed....until Bugzilla.

Miss Kitty sat on our bathroom counter minding her own business. Bug was hanging out on said counter watching daddy get ready for work. Mommy was taking pictures and making sure Bug didn't fall off the counter.

From out of nowhere, with one fell swoop, Bugzilla destroyed our peaceful, calm morning. I'm sure she just wanted to pet the kitty. Instead she killed it. So sad.

I wish I had a before picture. Alas, all I have are pictures of the battlefield.

{Bug minutes before destruction}

{Bugzilla caught mid-act. Notice three different hands? Only two are for good!}

{The Battlefield}

{Decapitation by a six month old...gruesome}

{And it still boils down to; Curiosity killed the cat}

{What I could piece together of the remains.....

..... where's Grandpa Carl when you need him?}