Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I know I'm way behind in posting some new fun stuff and I'd like to be able to say I've been busy teaching my kid all sorts of new stuff and going new fun places and yadidada but I can't. What has really been occupying my time is online Texas Hold 'Em. I can't help it, I'm addicted.


In other news, Bug and I will be going to California tomorrow. We'll be flying all by ourselves, no daddy. Mommy's a little nervous after the events at the doctor's office yesterday. My child does not know how to sit still! Hopefully she'll be tired enough (she hasn't been sleeping well the last couple nights due to a very bad diaper rash - another reason I dread the flight tomorrow) that she falls asleep for a little while. One can wish.


Remember a couple months ago I posted that we'd pre-ordered Elmo Live for Bug's birthday? Well has this thing where they don't charge your card until they ship your item. By the time they finally charged it, the card had expired. And of course, they were sold out online and said they weren't selling in store yet. I even contacted customer service who sent me a reply email that proved not only that she didn't care about my problem, but that she didn't read my complaint to begin with. She thought I was upset because they were sold out online, not because I lost my order without any notice.

They made the mistake of sending me an online survey to fill out about their customer service and let's just say I wasn't very forgiving. We're talking about my daughter's first birthday present after all.

Anyway, I'm over it now. We were at Target today and guess what was on the shelf? Elmo Live. So Bug now has her birthday present early because once she saw it and Elmo talked to her she screamed everytime she lost sight of it. It really is an amazing toy. Elmo stands, sits, dances, laughs, tells stories & jokes. Quite impressive. Bug is in love with it. And tomorrow we get to leave Elmo and daddy behind for a week. What was I thinking?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you were thinking that Grandma would have a Live Elmo at her house? Kaitlyn couldn't have hers for her birthday because Karlyn couldn't see it yet ... so now, maybe she can! Although if they don't want to share ... hmmm ... don't have a stand-in for daddy though ... that's probably the bigger issue!

Can't wait to see you,
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

can't bring Elmo with you??

Kristen said...

Elmo was so expensive we can't risk him breaking during travel and/or getting lost. All our other Elmo's are too big to bring!