Last night, Josh and I were horsing around with Bug in our room. We'd run to one side of the bed (on the floor) while she was on the other side and then she'd come looking and we'd jump out at her. She loved it. Well, in our hustle to get to our side of the bed I tripped over Josh's leg, landed on my knee and apparently my big toe. Hurt like a mutha! My sweet empathetic child saw me upset and started to cry too!
Hours later I was going downstairs to get another beer (yes this one is totally due to innebriation) and my foot slipped off the step and down I went on my bum. Still hurts.
The kicker was just twenty minutes ago. Bug was walking around the living room, tripped over a pillow on the floor and smacked her head into the corner of the coffee table. Josh didn't think she was hurt since she wasn't crying so he just stood her up so she could go on her way. From my angle, however, I could see the pain face. You know, where the face is all scrunched up like they're screaming but they're so upset that no sound has come out yet. Seconds later she found her voice, and we lost our ears and our minds. Poor thing had two dents in her head. An inch from her left eye right beneath her hairline. We managed to distract her long enough to stop the crying and by the time we were done the dents had become big, purple bumps. We're lucky enough to have a registered nurse we can call 24 hours a day in association with Josh's insurance. So of course we called her up and as usual they put our mind at ease (yeah, we've called them a few times). She should be fine, we're supposed to check her pupil dilation and mommy/daddy recognition every two hours.
Even at night.
When she should be sleeping.
Which she's finally started doing for twelve straight hours. Still not on the right time schedule but at least she's not having that three am bitchfest anymore. I wouldn't have minded if she was having a crib party, but bitchfests are unacceptable.
Anyway, we're all sitting around waiting for the next accident. I've got ice on my toe and bum and we're trying to lasso up a Bug for some head-icing. Hopefully she doesn't feel too much pain. Poor little baby :(
She is soooo cute!! Give her a big kiss from grandpa. Now for you and Josh.... pay more attention to my granddaughter! Only kidding, you are great parents. Now to my graceful daughter.... I remember a broken toe and other bruises... so not much pity here.
I love you all
Aww... Poor bug!
Sounds like she's preparing to look like you did on your first birthday! Proof positive that she's learning from experimenting with the world around her!
She is definitely an empathetic child isn't she? She's a sweetie.
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