Friday, November 21, 2008


Well, we've been in Indiana for just three short days and yet it feels like our week is up. It's been a busy couple of days. I think I mentioned in my last post that Bug spent Monday night spewing cantaloupe chunks all over our house. Well she's fine. Nothing to worry about.

Tuesday we got up at the butt-crack of dawn and had a very cranky baby. We didn't give her anything to drink until we got on the plane and started taking off because if she didn't suck on something during take off her ears were less likely to pop and then we'd all regret it. I literally had to hide the bottle from both baby AND daddy! He felt so bad letting her cry (and I'm sure he felt a bit like a bad father due to all the stares from the other passengers) but I wouldn't relent and didn't give it to her until we started our takeoff. Trust me, we were all better off that way! A little crying before take off and then quiet for the rest of the flight. Mommy's done this before!! :)

We had a great flight and landed in Evansville at 10:30am. After we got into town the day becomes a bit of a blur for me, I was up for over 17 hours which is a lot for me. On Wednesday Bug's aunt and cousins came over for dinner. Afterwards they went back to their house and brought back some old, no longer used Elmos. Talk about a happy Bug!! She now has Elmo Live (which stays home of course), her big Elmo that Josh won at a claw machine (he has plastic eyes and she smashed him into the brick wall at the Atlanta airport and now he has a huge chip in his eye), an Elmo that does the hokey pokey, a huge plush elmo that's twice her size and best of all....YMCA ELMO. Elmo sings E - L - M - O to the tune of YMCA and dances too! She adores him. Even more than Elmo Live, which kind of makes me want to take him in for a refund since he's got a couple glitches!!!! As soon as they started playing the YMCA Elmo she started dancing. We got a decent video of it last night. But I can't get that one to you get this one instead. Which is still cute...but not as cute.

CRAP! I can't get it to load either. So you're out of luck. Sorry. I'll post it when I get back.

Anyway, all day Wednesday I wasn't feeling very well. Josh convinced me that a bath would make me feel better so around 9pm I took a hot hot bath. Felt pretty good too. I was in bed by 9:45, 10:45 I woke up, headed straight for the bathroom and puked my guts out. When I got back in bed I had chills and hot flashes. Not good sleeping conditions. To make matters worse the Bug woke up at almost exactly 11:45. Josh took care of her (thank God for a wonderful husband) and I thrashed around in bed until he came back in around 3am. Apparently she wouldn't go to sleep unless she was laying on him (something she never does for me) and it took him quite a while to be able to lay her down in her crib.

Well, he was supposed to get up at 6am to go with his mom to his sister's surgery, the whole reason we made the trip up here, but when his mom woke him up he took my temperature and it was above 100 degrees so he stayed home to take care of the baby instead. Again, thank God for a wonderful husband. I slept most of the day, got up for a couple hours around noon, went back to bed, then got up again at 4 but went to bed at 8. I think it was a 36 hour flu because when I woke up yesterday morning I felt fine. Although I did wonder where my husband was. Turns out the precious one woke up at 3am last night and Josh ended up sleeping in the other room with her just so they could both get some sleep. Josh asked if I woke up wondering where he was. My response? "Actually, I woke up and thought 'shit! I could have slept in the middle of the bed had I known!!!'"

awww, adorable right?

So today was a pretty good day. Josh took Bug to see his sister for a couple hours. When they got home it was time for Bug's dinner. She was pretty funny during dinner, very animated. She also took a pretty nasty poop while sitting in the highchair. We got her out and Josh cleaned her up. We planned to give her a bath in Nana's big jet tub so he brought her out naked and set her on the kitchen floor while the bath filled (in case she peed of course). What we weren't expecting was this.

************WARNING: Graphic, disgusting content below****************

Yeah, nasty. Right there on the kitchen floor. I hope none of you were eating while reading this!

Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention. When I had my first birthday party I got a pretty nice boo-boo on my forehead walking into the park. Well, today, two days before Bug's first birthday party, she fell in the living room and smashed her face into the ottoman. The hard part of the ottoman. The bridge of her nose is now bruised and swollen. Apparently the saying 'Like Mother, Like Daughter' is ringing true in our little family! :)

Well I intend to post videos and pictures with this post but the in-laws computer takes forever!! So we'll see if it happens.

Tomorrow we have a pre-birthday-party party at my father-in-laws and Sunday is the big event. I'll keep you all posted when I can!

Love you all!!!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 tired

So it's 4:30am and I'm up taking care of the final touches for our trip to Indiana. Plane leaves at 7 and I have my fingers crossed that Bug will sleep on the plane...because I want to sleep on the plane!! I'm currently wishing I had set the coffee maker to make more than six lousy cups this morning. Who's the jackass that booked this early flight anyway?! Oh yeah, I did.....crap.


Last night I had another initiation into the mommy club. For me, it was the worst yet. I feel as though I've been hazed. In reality, I was just puked on. Repeatedly. I gave Bug her usual cantaloupe for lunch, but I gave her a lot since it was going to go to waste if she didnt eat it. Well, she ate it. Whole. I guess she got greedy when she saw all that food on her tray and didn't bother to chew. So come dinner time, little miss piggy wouldn't take a bite. Josh and I were pretty confused seeing as how this child has never turned down food. We just figured she was teething and cranky.

Fast forward one hour.

Mommy is covered in chunky cantaloupe vomit. On the floor is half a regurgitated cantaloupe (Can you really call it regurgitated if it wasn't chewed in the first place?).

Twenty minutes later.

Bug is in tub happy as can be until....cantaloupe puke again.

And so went the hazing for about forty more minutes. Finally when we thought she was through, we put her to bed and haven't heard a peep since. I really hope she just ate too much and isn't sick!!!


Ok, that's all I have for right now. We're going to Indiana and I'm hoping for some sleep soon!!

I'll try to keep you updated while we're there.

(((((oh, and Bug turns 1 on Sunday!!!))))))

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is it a bird? a plane? It's President Superman!

We voted today. Stood in line for two and a half hours. My voting process took less than five minutes while others took as long as 45 minutes. Come on people, haven't you heard about reading the amendments ahead of time?!

The wait in line was extremely boring. There were quite a few babies there as well. Babies babbling, screaming, crying, singing, babies that spit their juice all over people, babies that pulled the hair of the strangers in front of them, babies that threw their Cheerios container at stranger's heads. Oh wait....that was my kid. Yep, she did all that.

Most of the other babies were younger or older than her. And all were in strollers. I wish Bug would appreciate a place to sit and be pushed around as much as I would have. She did pretty good though. Towards the end she started getting fussy but who wasn't? We were fortunate to have a bitter old couple in front of us who entertained me with their complaining and constant nitpicking of the voting process.

Anyway, we voted. Our civic (or civil?) duty is done for another four years. Now all we do is sit and wait. I really hope Superman wins this year.