Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is it a bird? a plane? It's President Superman!

We voted today. Stood in line for two and a half hours. My voting process took less than five minutes while others took as long as 45 minutes. Come on people, haven't you heard about reading the amendments ahead of time?!

The wait in line was extremely boring. There were quite a few babies there as well. Babies babbling, screaming, crying, singing, babies that spit their juice all over people, babies that pulled the hair of the strangers in front of them, babies that threw their Cheerios container at stranger's heads. Oh wait....that was my kid. Yep, she did all that.

Most of the other babies were younger or older than her. And all were in strollers. I wish Bug would appreciate a place to sit and be pushed around as much as I would have. She did pretty good though. Towards the end she started getting fussy but who wasn't? We were fortunate to have a bitter old couple in front of us who entertained me with their complaining and constant nitpicking of the voting process.

Anyway, we voted. Our civic (or civil?) duty is done for another four years. Now all we do is sit and wait. I really hope Superman wins this year.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Superman? I thought he was known as the Messiah? LOL J/K. Of course, this was not my victory, but respect him I will.