Sunday, March 30, 2008

Times I regret having children and pets....

My night went something like this:

10:30 pm - Put Bug to bed

11:10 - Convince Bug to go back to sleep

12:30 am - Husband gets home, watch TV together

1:00 - TV off, cuddle, prepare for sleep

1:15 - Can't fall asleep due to grunts coming from baby monitor

1:20 - Turn down baby monitor

1:30 - Babbling begins emitting from said monitor

1:37 - Turn baby monitor down further

1:40 - Say something to husband along the lines of "man I wish she'd fall back asleep, I'm SO tired" (read: hint, hint)

1:45 - Baby begins to assert her opinion on one or more parent not rushing to her side immediately

1:49 - Give in to fact that husband is half asleep and not going to feed baby

1:55 - Pull empty bottle out of sleeping baby's mouth, place baby back in crib

1:56 - Lay down in bed

2:00 - Get out of bed to attempt to get baby to fall fully asleep and quit grunting like a man on the toilet

2:05 - Return to bed for some much awaited slumber

4:03 - Awaken to babbles and gurgles from baby monitor

4:05 - Turn down baby monitor

4:15 - Mumble some inarticulate bad words loudly enough for husband to hear

4:16 - No good, get out of bed to go feed baby

4:25 - Back to bed

6:07 - Awake to sounds of 'cat-in-heat' wailing

6:09 - Back to sleep

6:10 - Awake to sounds of cat hacking up hairball

6:13 - Clean up hairball left conveniently at head of stairs

6:14 - Try not to pass out from the most redolent odor I've ever had the pleasure of smelling at six in the morning

6:18 - Back to bed

8:32 - Awake to sounds of babbling from baby monitor, beat crap out of husband until he wakes to tend to baby

11:26 - Peacefully awaken after a quiet three hours of sleep

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sleepy Bug

Well Bug has been in her own bed, in her own room, for two nights now. It's hard to tell how well she's handling the change because she has been so tired the past couple of days. The first night she slept in her room she didn't get her evening nap because we were moving the crib and she wouldn't sleep in her swing. She finally went down at 9 pm. Which, of course, meant she wasn't ready to go to bed until much later. She finally got to bed at 12:30 am and only slept about six hours. :( She did ok yesterday but she was still pretty cranky. There were a couple times where she awoke from a nap only to go back to sleep fifteen minutes later.

Last night she went to sleep at her normal time but still had trouble sleeping. She woke up after six hours and stayed awake for about an hour before going back to sleep. Then when she woke up she was only able to stay awake for an hour before wanting a nap. Talk about a cranky, sleepy baby!! Did nothing but cry this morning :(

Hopefully she'll be able to get caught up on her sleep today and things will get better in the night sleep department.

Well, she's napping now and hopefully she'll feel better when she wakes up.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So proud of my Little Bug

We had such a good day today. Bug had her first taste of food other than formula and rice cereal. We tempted those taste buds with some Gerber carrots, more like carrot juice. She just loved it. She got all excited and started talking, it was great. She learned to use the spoon so quick.

It seems everytime we try something new I have a bad feeling about it from hearing other mom's horror stories.... and everytime, she does wonderfully.

She moved out of our bed and into her crib with only one waking and has slept better there than anytime she was in our bed.

She caught on to the spoon and act of eating, rather than sucking, with such ease.

And now, we have just moved her crib into her own room. Tonight she'll sleep in a seperate room from us for the first time ever. And, as usual, I'm afraid it's not going to go well. For one, I'm worried we're going to end up taking apart and reassembling her crib at 2am to move back into our room! My other concern is much more maternal. This is the first time my baby girl will be more than ten feet away from me. And this time there will be doors and walls in between us. I'm ready to go by a video monitor, pop some popcorn and make a night of watching her sleep!

But hopefully she'll be comfortable in there and not mind the change. And hopefully I'll be comfortable enough with the change that I'll be able to get a good nights rest.

We'll see! I'll let you all know in the morning.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blog Title

I've decided I'm not too crazy about the title of this blog.....yet I'm torn on which name to choose. Also, I'm looking for ideas. So, take my poll to the right and if you choose 'other', please let me know your ideas by posting a comment on this blog.

Thanks to all voters!!!

Bug, Sleep and Papaw

So mommy and daddy got to have a night out last night! Woohoo! Papaw offered to watch the baby and we took him up on it! We went to dinner with some friends from Josh's work and then we got to go gamble! Ah how we love to gamble, even though we lost we still had a good time.

But poor Papaw. Little Bug put him through the ringer! She hasn't been napping well the past couple of days and so didn't nap well for him last night. She just wore him out! He had a good time with her though so that's good :)

We got home around 11:30 and they were waiting up for us :) so we took little Bug and did her bedtime routine and she went to sleep at 12:30. I was expecting a bad night since she hadn't been sleeping well, thats what usually happens, but not last night! She slept 8 straight hours! Didn't wake up once!!!!! We're so proud of her!!

Today Papaw goes home :( feels like he just got here! Hopefully he'll be back soon though. We're gonna miss him. Especially Miss Bug, shes all smiles for him! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our little porker!

So we went out to eat tonight (had planned to grill out but no place was open to get propane and it poured all day anyway) and a family sat behind us with a little baby. So the mom and I started talking and come to find out, the little baby who is half Bug's size is a month older than her! Bug weighs 17lbs while Lailah weighs 13lbs. So I won't be at all surprised if Bug is twice the size of her cousin Kaitlyn! Although I'm sure cousin will have so much more hair than Bug just as Lailah did!

Oh and we finally got our new camera battery charger in the mail so here is a picture from today!

Ok maybe not. Not working right now. :( Try again later.

Happy Easter to us!!!

We got Bug's crib in the mail the other day (ordered online) and I put it together yesterday.

Pretty isn't it? So we decided to try it out last night and......she slept in it ALL night!!!! Woke up 30 minutes after she went to sleep but I got her back to sleep in record time and she slept like normal the rest of the night. Woohoo!!!! But I'm afraid it's too good to be true and tonight won't be near as easy.

One setback, she wouldn't go down for her morning nap. This is usually her best nap. She goes down easy and sleeps for an hour and a half to two hours. But not this morning. Ohhh no. She was hard to get to sleep and once she did fall asleep she kept waking up every five to ten minutes. Finally I gave up and put her in her swing where I hoped she would nap. She's there now.....awake. I'm wondering if she likes her crib so much she doesn't want to sleep in her Play'n'Pak anymore. Which would be fine except the crib is in our room and she's been napping in her own room, and we'd like to keep it that way. Grrr.

So anyway, that's the Bug story for the day. Josh just left for work, his dad is napping on the couch and when Josh gets home tonight we're going to grill out for Easter. Fun stuff!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Super-Bug attacks!!!

So daddy likes to play Super-Bug with Bug and she just loves it! She gets the biggest smile! It's adorable.

Anyway, they were playing the other night and Super-Bug used her superpowers to attack daddy (a.k.a. JoshRel) .....

I knew it would happen eventually and I'm so glad I was home when it did!

The first....of many!

So since MySpace only shows 5 blogs at a time.....and makes it hard to locate previous blogs.....and isn't accessible by anyone, anytime, anywhere..... I decided to get my own blogging webpage. Woohoo for me! Now, hopefully, I can keep everyone updated on the goings on and they can check in anytime that they like! Fun stuff!