Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sleepy Bug

Well Bug has been in her own bed, in her own room, for two nights now. It's hard to tell how well she's handling the change because she has been so tired the past couple of days. The first night she slept in her room she didn't get her evening nap because we were moving the crib and she wouldn't sleep in her swing. She finally went down at 9 pm. Which, of course, meant she wasn't ready to go to bed until much later. She finally got to bed at 12:30 am and only slept about six hours. :( She did ok yesterday but she was still pretty cranky. There were a couple times where she awoke from a nap only to go back to sleep fifteen minutes later.

Last night she went to sleep at her normal time but still had trouble sleeping. She woke up after six hours and stayed awake for about an hour before going back to sleep. Then when she woke up she was only able to stay awake for an hour before wanting a nap. Talk about a cranky, sleepy baby!! Did nothing but cry this morning :(

Hopefully she'll be able to get caught up on her sleep today and things will get better in the night sleep department.

Well, she's napping now and hopefully she'll feel better when she wakes up.

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