It seems everytime we try something new I have a bad feeling about it from hearing other mom's horror stories.... and everytime, she does wonderfully.
She moved out of our bed and into her crib with only one waking and has slept better there than anytime she was in our bed.
She caught on to the spoon and act of eating, rather than sucking, with such ease.
And now, we have just moved her crib into her own room. Tonight she'll sleep in a seperate room from us for the first time ever. And, as usual, I'm afraid it's not going to go well. For one, I'm worried we're going to end up taking apart and reassembling her crib at 2am to move back into our room! My other concern is much more maternal. This is the first time my baby girl will be more than ten feet away from me. And this time there will be doors and walls in between us. I'm ready to go by a video monitor, pop some popcorn and make a night of watching her sleep!
But hopefully she'll be comfortable in there and not mind the change. And hopefully I'll be comfortable enough with the change that I'll be able to get a good nights rest.
We'll see! I'll let you all know in the morning.
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