Sunday, March 30, 2008

Times I regret having children and pets....

My night went something like this:

10:30 pm - Put Bug to bed

11:10 - Convince Bug to go back to sleep

12:30 am - Husband gets home, watch TV together

1:00 - TV off, cuddle, prepare for sleep

1:15 - Can't fall asleep due to grunts coming from baby monitor

1:20 - Turn down baby monitor

1:30 - Babbling begins emitting from said monitor

1:37 - Turn baby monitor down further

1:40 - Say something to husband along the lines of "man I wish she'd fall back asleep, I'm SO tired" (read: hint, hint)

1:45 - Baby begins to assert her opinion on one or more parent not rushing to her side immediately

1:49 - Give in to fact that husband is half asleep and not going to feed baby

1:55 - Pull empty bottle out of sleeping baby's mouth, place baby back in crib

1:56 - Lay down in bed

2:00 - Get out of bed to attempt to get baby to fall fully asleep and quit grunting like a man on the toilet

2:05 - Return to bed for some much awaited slumber

4:03 - Awaken to babbles and gurgles from baby monitor

4:05 - Turn down baby monitor

4:15 - Mumble some inarticulate bad words loudly enough for husband to hear

4:16 - No good, get out of bed to go feed baby

4:25 - Back to bed

6:07 - Awake to sounds of 'cat-in-heat' wailing

6:09 - Back to sleep

6:10 - Awake to sounds of cat hacking up hairball

6:13 - Clean up hairball left conveniently at head of stairs

6:14 - Try not to pass out from the most redolent odor I've ever had the pleasure of smelling at six in the morning

6:18 - Back to bed

8:32 - Awake to sounds of babbling from baby monitor, beat crap out of husband until he wakes to tend to baby

11:26 - Peacefully awaken after a quiet three hours of sleep

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