Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Anyone know where I can get some MiracleGro for teeth?

Bug's bottom two teeth are very close to coming out. Very close. Which means I am very close to a full mental breakdown. Very close.

Yesterday was the worst. She couldn't play in, on or with her toys without crying. She cried when I held her, cried when I put her down, cried in her bed, cried in her sleep. She even cried when I let her play on mommy's bed (the funnest place ever) with mommy's real TV remote (now you know I was at my wits end).

So, since I was about to lose my mind and she was in so much pain while awake, I decided to let her go to bed early last night. She's always happy in the tub so I figured we could take a long bath and then off to bed.

Having expectations was my first mistake. Thinking my night could turn decent was the second.

We still use her baby tub for baths as she just learned how to sit up and still falls down a lot. Plus the real tub has the stickies to prevent slipping and I know I don't like them on my own tush, so I don't think she'd appreciate it on her precious cushy place either.

So I lay her in her tub full of soapy water and instead of laying nicely and talking to me like she usually does, she cries a little and flips over to her tummy where she does a face dive into the water and swallows a slew of soapy bath water. Fantastic. I sat her up and patted her back until she caught her breath, then I tried to lay her on her back again. She decided it was time for Round Two. Reread what you just read and you'll be caught up.

I blame the new kiddie pool.

So now she's freaked and every time I try to lay her back she starts screaming. Wonderful. I washed her in a sitting position then drained the water from the tub. Damnit, I'm not going to let her go to bed afraid of laying in water! Tub empty, I lay her down and she freaks a little but is then ok. Cup by cup I fill the tub with water until it's at it's normal depth and she's ok. Yay. Childborn aquaphobia averted.....this time.

Anywho, back to the point, my nice long soak in the tub turned into a ten minute fiasco which only riled her up more. Life is trying at times.

Luckily enough, she doesn't seem to have any problems with swallowing half her body weight in soap (exaggerate? who me? never!) and she went to sleep immediately. Little victories right?

WRONG! She went to bed an hour early, which means she should be able to get an extra hour of sleep right? Of course not! She woke up two hours early. I'm telling you, my sanity is slowly creeping away from me.

Now it would be one thing if she woke up happy but she didn't. Today is turning out worse than yesterday because at least yesterday she would take naps. Not today.

Someone told me that once the tooth cuts through the gums things would get better. Hence the title of this post. Someone tell me where to get some MiracleToothGro and I'll rub it on her gums until she's full of pearly whites!!!!!

If you don't hear from me for a while you can bet my search has proved fruitless and they've shipped me off to the nice room with the soft, cushy, white walls screaming to no one in particular, "push tooth, push!!!!"

{Me? Cry all day? No way!! I'm too sweet and innocent for that!}

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