Sunday, June 15, 2008

Josh's first Father's Day ... or Daddy Day as I call it

It was pretty simple. Josh's boss was kind enough to give him the day off so Bug and I woke him up this morning with a cup of coffee, his card (complete with Bug's handprint in fingerpaint), a frame with picture of Bug for his office and the best present in Josh's world........

Peanut Butter Pie!

{It's supposed to be a K at the bottom, as in K get it right? Anyway, by the time he saw it it looked more like an H so he reffered to it as H2, as in the vehicle. Not my fault Hershey's Syrup is runny!}

Anyway, we also went out to eat at Grumpy Dick's and then came home and hung out all day. It was nice, fun and relaxing, which is good because we won't get to spend another full day with daddy until the end of next week. Sometimes I hate his job.

Happy Daddy Day to all those wonderful dads out there.
(Sorry this post is so late, I couldn't get the picture to upload and we had to have the picture!

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