Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's done!

The latest Bug DVD has finally been finished. Those that would like one let me know. I'm not making as many cause money's tight so if you want one you'll have to tell me so that I can make enough. Let me know soon! :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adventure House

The day has finally come. After months of anticipation, dreadful as it was, it has finally happened. Bug has fallen down the stairs. Luckily it was the top set and so it was a carpeted fall. Still, tears were shed, and not just by Bug.

I'm sure you're wondering how a mother could allow her child to fall down the stairs. Well kiss my ass, watching an over-active 10 month old 24 hours a day is not an easy job. Besides, her father was home so blame him. Course he was nowhere near but that is SO not the point. ;>)

Here's what happened. I had just finished changing Bug's diaper in her room. Downstairs, Elmo was on TV. Elmo, coupled with her confidence in her ability to go down the stairs, led her to attempt the climb down on her own. When she crawled away I called after her, when she got within a foot of the stairs I yelled her name. What the hell is with kids these days? Aren't they supposed to listen to their parents? I'm sure I listened every time my name was called (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - stop laughing mom & dad). As I stood up to race after her, the much-expected moment came and down she went. My first reaction? "SHIT!" Then you heard the ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum of a fragile little baby body hitting each step. Then, finally, the cries. In between the ba-dum and the cries however, there were two additional sounds. Footsteps. A pair of feet on each set of stairs. Mommy running down, Daddy running up. Mommy got there first, swooped in, scooped up her baby and held her quite tightly. Daddy stayed on the floor, head buried, trying to recuperate from what could have been a tragic event. Bug on the other hand, well, she cried for a moment until she realized Elmo was still on TV and then she was fine. Laughing even. After a couple minutes of silence (except for Elmo and the laughing baby) Mommy and Daddy started to laugh a little and then Mommy started to cry a little. After that everything went back to normal.

If you ever come to visit, don't mind the four foot cement wall at the top of the stairway, just be sure to bring your grappling hook.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bad bad bad day

We've had these small sugar ants in our house for the past few weeks which I've been vacuuming and Windexing on a daily basis. No big deal. But this afternoon I walked into the master bathroom to find hundreds of the little bastards. And by little I mean big. Ok not really that big but big enough. And they have wings. And they are everywhere. According to the Orkin man, they are carpenter ants. Fantastic. So I've been vacuuming the walls of the bathroom and the floor of the bedroom (which openly connects to the bathroom) on a twenty minute basis. The last time I vacuumed I came across an ant that has big long pincers. I'm done going upstairs. SO DONE.

I am also unbelievably pissed because I have called my landlord's daughter (the landlord is out of the country) twice, talked to her only once and still do not have an appointment set up for an exterminator. Orkin will not deal with me directly because I am not the home owner and carpenter ants cause structural damage which is the home owner's responsibility and blah blah blah. I'm afraid to go into my bedroom because I abhor bites from any kind of bug. My poor child can not play with the majority of her toys because they are in my room and I'm afraid they're crawling with the nasty little bastards.

I HATE BUGS. (except my Bug, I love her)

I'm ready to check into a hotel I'm so disgusted. Especially since they have wings and can fly. Plus they were under my bed as well which means its only a matter of time until they're in my bed. uuuugggghhh.


On a totally unrelated note; Bug has started grinding her teeth. You know the sound of nails on a chalkboard? That's the reaction I have. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm having a very bad day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I think my cat is a dealer

Bug and I were going about our regular routine this morning, she ate breakfast then watched Elmo's World on the living room floor. After the cat poop incident last week I blocked off all baby access to the cat box and a recurrence was the last thing on my mind. So I look over to Bug and what do I see in her hand? Cat poop. Seriously.

Apparently Josie feels she needs to keep her customers happy and did a personal delivery for Bug (that or she's pissed about the new box arrangement). Right there in front of the couch where I wouldn't see it unless I was looking for it.

Luckily she didn't actually eat any this time. She brought it to her lips (and smeared it on her lips, ugh) but I smacked it out of her hand before she could take a bite. She was not happy.

I think if this keeps happening I'm going to put a diaper on the cat.

Da plane! Da plane!

Bug and I will be flying to California in October. We will be there from the 16th through the 22nd. If anyone wants to get together let me know! But let me know soon because it's mostly Grandma time :) Unfortunately Josh can't go :( I'm not too sure how Bug's going to do without her daddy. She has a hard time on the days he goes to work early. I'm hoping with all the new people to meet and new surroundings to explore she'll be distracted enough. Key word: hoping

We have a total of six hours in flight that I'm not really looking forward to. I think this will be the most tiring plane ride I'll ever take!

I'd love to write more on the subject but I have a casserole to tend to. That's right. I cooked. We'll see how it is. More on that later :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cat poop, steps and Dada

Things are good on the subject of ingested waste. Bug did throw up around 3pm today and I took her to the doctor but she said all was well, just keep an eye out for fever, diarrhea, bloody stool and/or bloody vomit. Keep her well hydrated and she'll be fine.

On a happier note, I forgot to tell you what my birthday present from Bug was. She took her official first steps! Not even sure she knew what was going on but she did it! Hasn't done it since but that's pretty normal for her. I'm sure she'll be walking in no time.....might have to put the litter box under lock and key! Sorry Josie!!

Another happy note, the best thing to happen to Josh (other than me and Bug of course, ha!) occured at 9:45am. He walked into Bug's room and she turned around in her crib and said "Da! Da!" all happy and excited. No extra syllables or any chance she just happened to be babbling because it was quite obvious (according to Josh) that she was saying Dada.

So congrats to daddy for getting the first word. I'm not upset. It's not like I spend all day with her playing, feeding, changing diapers, giving her the freedom to eat cat poop. No, of course it's Dada she say's first. Whatever.

Seriously though I'm not upset. I figured it would work out that way :) Course since she can say Dada I figured it's high time to teach her Momma. So we were talking today and I said 'mmmm' and she put her lips in the same position and said 'buuuuu'. She doesn't close her lips entirely. Go ahead, try it. Put your lips together to say mmmm but then open them just a little. Get it? Great. So anyway.

I'd say 'mmmm' She'd say 'buuuu' and it went like this:

mmmmm-ah mah
buuuuu-ah ah ah da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

that little shit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I think my cat is hazing my baby

We bought stair gates so Bug could crawl around downstairs without getting into trouble. Sometimes she likes to crawl over to her walker and play with the attached toys. No big deal. So when she was playing with it today I thought nothing of it. Her walker is in the dining room which stores the following:

  • walker
  • 2 strollers
  • highchair
  • cat box
  • water dispenser
  • couple of boxes yet to be unpacked..still!
  • hurricane tote (it's staying there until December!)

So I let her be for a minute while she played with her walker toys, not really thinking too much of it. A minute later (probably less) I look to the walker and.....no baby. 'Interesting.' So I investigate further and see her sitting next to the bathroom door. 'hmmm.' Then I see the cat two feet away watching intently. 'what the hell?' Look back to the baby. 'Holy Shit' No pun intended. Have you figured it out yet? That's right! She was eating cat shit. My reaction?

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting.

So I called the doctor's office.

Me: Hi, my 9 month old just ate cat poop.

Nurse: She ate what?

Me: Cat poop.

Nurse: ?? What??


Nurse: Oh, you need to bring her in tonight.

So she made an appointment for us and told me to call poison control first and then call the nurse back to tell her what PC said.

Here's my conversation with Poison Control.

Me: Hi, my 9 month old just ate cat poop.

PC: She ate what?

Me: Cat shit. Feces. Dirty, nasty, feline ass-sausages.

PC: *calmly* How old is the poop?

Me: At most three days

PC: *disgusted* Litter boxes need to be changed once a day with a baby in the house. blah blah lecture lecture blah blah

Me: yes maam yadi yadi whatever TELL ME ABOUT MY FREAKING CHILD'S HEALTH!

PC: Are you sure she ate poop or could it be just litter?

Me: Well there was litter all over the floor and a shitload (yes I said it not realizing the pun) around her mouth. Plus there was a piece of poop on the floor with teeth marks soooo, yeah, she ate poop.

Basically she said to watch her for a week. If she vomits at all take her in along with a sample of the poop (bagged and sitting in front of me) so the doctor can test baby and poop and prescribe antibiotics. She also said that kitty litter can swell tremendously in the stomach and cause colon blockage which could be fatal. So I have to make sure her poops are normal and she's keeping things down.

Oh yeah, while talking to PC about this I was changing a poopy diaper. Can't escape poop!

So we're waiting and watching.

Meanwhile, the baby and the cat appear to be on much better terms. The cat would usually run when the baby talked to her, now she just sits there and they look at each other. Which brings me back to my point;

I think my cat is hazing my baby.

Hopefully this was a one time deal. I'd hate to see what 'Pledge Week' entails.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stupid hurricane.

We had Bug's nine month check up today! My little Growth Spurt baby is 29" and 20.14lbs. The nurse said she looked more like a 12month old than a 9month old. Which makes sense to me since she wears 12month or larger clothes! Her Head Circumference is 44cm. If I could remember how big her head was at birth I could tell you how much her brain has grown but I don't remember anything except "I....CAN'T......PUSH.....ANY.....MORE!!!". I suppose I could go look in her baby book but....nah, I have other things to talk about and she could wake up at any minute.

So anyway, she had one shot and didn't even flinch. She's a trouper! The doctor started asking us about all the things she could do and then said "well, I don't have much to talk to you about because it seems she's doing everything already!". She also commented on the fact that everytime she sees Bug she has new teeth coming in. She said poor baby, I said poor mommy ;)

{The nurse wanted her to lay still so she could measure her length and so she let her play with her thermometer (one of the big ones). I told her she was going to have to be the one to take the new toy away because mommy and daddy play enough bad guy roles at home and we're not the ones who gave her the new toy she can't really use. She was prepared though, she gave her a tongue depressor as a trade. Worked like a charm.}


Lets move on to the bigger issue. Ike. Hurricane Ike. Category 4 Hurricane Ike. That bastard. Stupid hurricane. My mom was supposed to come visit this week. At first I was worried about Hanna but she's going around us. No problem there. Then Ike (stupid hurricane) rears his ugly head...or eye...tail? Not sure 'bout that one. Anywho, here's the picture I saw at 11:30am on the National Hurricane Center site.

{We're the red X}

And here's the most current one

{Apparently Ike thought my X marked the spot. Stupid hurricane}

I know the pictures are too small to really see anything but hopefully you can click on them and they'll get bigger in a new window. Anyway, point is, I thought we had a chance of missing it and then within a matter of hours that little jerk aimed himself right at us. Stupid hurricane.

So even though my mom was willing to brave the weather and come out anyway I had to tell her no :( For one I don't want to be the reason my mom gets swept away to OZ....yeah so it was a tornado, shut up, this is my story now! Two, I don't think I could focus on having a good time while I'm worried about Ike. Stupid hurricane. Third, we go right back to one, I don't want to put my mom in any danger. And finally four, I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass this next week that I wouldn't want to be here if I were her! Stupid hurricane. I wanted to see my mom! Stupid stupid stupid hurricane!

So now I have to wait to see my mom and Bug has to wait to see her grandma. All because of Ike. Stupid hurricane.

Oh and how am I dealing with it you ask? Well, I'm not in "flight" mode so that's good. I wouldn't call it "fight" mode either. I like to call it "pack-up-and-get-the-hell-out" mode. Although the furthest I'll be going is Hard Rock Casino. They say they can withstand a category 4 hurricane and now they'll have a chance to prove it! Josh said he'll be sure to get us a room on the tenth floor so we can watch. I told him to go to hell. Doesn't matter either way. I'm going to be under the bed. With the cat.

Keep you all posted!