Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adventure House

The day has finally come. After months of anticipation, dreadful as it was, it has finally happened. Bug has fallen down the stairs. Luckily it was the top set and so it was a carpeted fall. Still, tears were shed, and not just by Bug.

I'm sure you're wondering how a mother could allow her child to fall down the stairs. Well kiss my ass, watching an over-active 10 month old 24 hours a day is not an easy job. Besides, her father was home so blame him. Course he was nowhere near but that is SO not the point. ;>)

Here's what happened. I had just finished changing Bug's diaper in her room. Downstairs, Elmo was on TV. Elmo, coupled with her confidence in her ability to go down the stairs, led her to attempt the climb down on her own. When she crawled away I called after her, when she got within a foot of the stairs I yelled her name. What the hell is with kids these days? Aren't they supposed to listen to their parents? I'm sure I listened every time my name was called (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - stop laughing mom & dad). As I stood up to race after her, the much-expected moment came and down she went. My first reaction? "SHIT!" Then you heard the ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum of a fragile little baby body hitting each step. Then, finally, the cries. In between the ba-dum and the cries however, there were two additional sounds. Footsteps. A pair of feet on each set of stairs. Mommy running down, Daddy running up. Mommy got there first, swooped in, scooped up her baby and held her quite tightly. Daddy stayed on the floor, head buried, trying to recuperate from what could have been a tragic event. Bug on the other hand, well, she cried for a moment until she realized Elmo was still on TV and then she was fine. Laughing even. After a couple minutes of silence (except for Elmo and the laughing baby) Mommy and Daddy started to laugh a little and then Mommy started to cry a little. After that everything went back to normal.

If you ever come to visit, don't mind the four foot cement wall at the top of the stairway, just be sure to bring your grappling hook.


Anonymous said...

Cheyanne and I were visiting my mom and her house is not baby proofed. There are four flights of stairs. Even with two of us watching her she managed to go head first down the stairs. I grabed her by the ankle before she got down too many stairs. She ended up with rug burn on her face. But she lived and I'm sure she'll do it again in some form. Glad to hear she's ok. Just wait until she can walk and climb. That's fun. :)

Anonymous said...

i dread this day but thankfully my stairs r carpeted as well. i'm hoping to teach my son to go down stairs on his bottom (i LOVE sliding down stairs!) until he is actually able to walk down stairs safely. or maybe I'll teach him to go feet first laying on his tummy. that would be fun too! -chelle