Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I think my cat is a dealer

Bug and I were going about our regular routine this morning, she ate breakfast then watched Elmo's World on the living room floor. After the cat poop incident last week I blocked off all baby access to the cat box and a recurrence was the last thing on my mind. So I look over to Bug and what do I see in her hand? Cat poop. Seriously.

Apparently Josie feels she needs to keep her customers happy and did a personal delivery for Bug (that or she's pissed about the new box arrangement). Right there in front of the couch where I wouldn't see it unless I was looking for it.

Luckily she didn't actually eat any this time. She brought it to her lips (and smeared it on her lips, ugh) but I smacked it out of her hand before she could take a bite. She was not happy.

I think if this keeps happening I'm going to put a diaper on the cat.

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