Friday, September 12, 2008

Cat poop, steps and Dada

Things are good on the subject of ingested waste. Bug did throw up around 3pm today and I took her to the doctor but she said all was well, just keep an eye out for fever, diarrhea, bloody stool and/or bloody vomit. Keep her well hydrated and she'll be fine.

On a happier note, I forgot to tell you what my birthday present from Bug was. She took her official first steps! Not even sure she knew what was going on but she did it! Hasn't done it since but that's pretty normal for her. I'm sure she'll be walking in no time.....might have to put the litter box under lock and key! Sorry Josie!!

Another happy note, the best thing to happen to Josh (other than me and Bug of course, ha!) occured at 9:45am. He walked into Bug's room and she turned around in her crib and said "Da! Da!" all happy and excited. No extra syllables or any chance she just happened to be babbling because it was quite obvious (according to Josh) that she was saying Dada.

So congrats to daddy for getting the first word. I'm not upset. It's not like I spend all day with her playing, feeding, changing diapers, giving her the freedom to eat cat poop. No, of course it's Dada she say's first. Whatever.

Seriously though I'm not upset. I figured it would work out that way :) Course since she can say Dada I figured it's high time to teach her Momma. So we were talking today and I said 'mmmm' and she put her lips in the same position and said 'buuuuu'. She doesn't close her lips entirely. Go ahead, try it. Put your lips together to say mmmm but then open them just a little. Get it? Great. So anyway.

I'd say 'mmmm' She'd say 'buuuu' and it went like this:

mmmmm-ah mah
buuuuu-ah ah ah da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

that little shit.

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