Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stupid hurricane.

We had Bug's nine month check up today! My little Growth Spurt baby is 29" and 20.14lbs. The nurse said she looked more like a 12month old than a 9month old. Which makes sense to me since she wears 12month or larger clothes! Her Head Circumference is 44cm. If I could remember how big her head was at birth I could tell you how much her brain has grown but I don't remember anything except "I....CAN'T......PUSH.....ANY.....MORE!!!". I suppose I could go look in her baby book but....nah, I have other things to talk about and she could wake up at any minute.

So anyway, she had one shot and didn't even flinch. She's a trouper! The doctor started asking us about all the things she could do and then said "well, I don't have much to talk to you about because it seems she's doing everything already!". She also commented on the fact that everytime she sees Bug she has new teeth coming in. She said poor baby, I said poor mommy ;)

{The nurse wanted her to lay still so she could measure her length and so she let her play with her thermometer (one of the big ones). I told her she was going to have to be the one to take the new toy away because mommy and daddy play enough bad guy roles at home and we're not the ones who gave her the new toy she can't really use. She was prepared though, she gave her a tongue depressor as a trade. Worked like a charm.}


Lets move on to the bigger issue. Ike. Hurricane Ike. Category 4 Hurricane Ike. That bastard. Stupid hurricane. My mom was supposed to come visit this week. At first I was worried about Hanna but she's going around us. No problem there. Then Ike (stupid hurricane) rears his ugly head...or eye...tail? Not sure 'bout that one. Anywho, here's the picture I saw at 11:30am on the National Hurricane Center site.

{We're the red X}

And here's the most current one

{Apparently Ike thought my X marked the spot. Stupid hurricane}

I know the pictures are too small to really see anything but hopefully you can click on them and they'll get bigger in a new window. Anyway, point is, I thought we had a chance of missing it and then within a matter of hours that little jerk aimed himself right at us. Stupid hurricane.

So even though my mom was willing to brave the weather and come out anyway I had to tell her no :( For one I don't want to be the reason my mom gets swept away to OZ....yeah so it was a tornado, shut up, this is my story now! Two, I don't think I could focus on having a good time while I'm worried about Ike. Stupid hurricane. Third, we go right back to one, I don't want to put my mom in any danger. And finally four, I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass this next week that I wouldn't want to be here if I were her! Stupid hurricane. I wanted to see my mom! Stupid stupid stupid hurricane!

So now I have to wait to see my mom and Bug has to wait to see her grandma. All because of Ike. Stupid hurricane.

Oh and how am I dealing with it you ask? Well, I'm not in "flight" mode so that's good. I wouldn't call it "fight" mode either. I like to call it "pack-up-and-get-the-hell-out" mode. Although the furthest I'll be going is Hard Rock Casino. They say they can withstand a category 4 hurricane and now they'll have a chance to prove it! Josh said he'll be sure to get us a room on the tenth floor so we can watch. I told him to go to hell. Doesn't matter either way. I'm going to be under the bed. With the cat.

Keep you all posted!


Anonymous said...

Well I'm sorry to hear your mom won't be able to visit. That sucks about the hurricane. I've been worried. I'm glad to hear Bug is progessing at rapid speed. Chey was barely 20 pounds at a year. She's now 24 pounds at 19 months. We just got back from the doctor. I miss you so much. I'm glad to hear you're doing good though. Is your mom planning to come out a different time? I hope so. Hope you ride this storm out too. Keep us posted. Love ya.

Amy said...

Be careful and dont blow away! Stupid hurricane!