Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Night Shift Nanny
I will buy them a twin bed.
They can sleep in Bug's room.
Take care of her night wakings and leave in the morning.
I will pay good money for this.
Not every night, three or four nights a week. Just enough so I can get caught up on sleep each week. I've had less than five hours of sleep the last few nights and tonight, well, since I'm writing this at 1:30am, I believe I'm destined for the same.
When I say good money, I mean very good money. I'll take it out of Bug's college fund. If she's going to take my night sleep away now, she can spend her college nights working as a Night Shift Nanny. Then we'll have come full circle.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Interactions with a boy....
Anyway, he was adorable. Apparently Bug thought so too because she was flirting! He crawled over to us and Bug stuck out both arms, put her hands on his face and leaned in for a kiss!!!! Ok, so she was really just trying to eat his nose, as is her common pasttime lately, but it looked like a kiss to us! So great, wish I'd brought my camera.
When I told Josh about it he grounded her, oh well. I don't think she'll mind :)
Next time I go to get the mail I'll be sure to bring my camera!! :)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Purchase Tracker
So you walk into a store, lets use Target as the example, and you go to a desk right by the entrance. There you will check out a scanner, much like the scanners used for registries but hopefully smaller and more compact. You can carry the scanner around, or attach it to the cart for hands free action. Then as you go through the store doing your shopping you simply scan everything that goes in the cart and voila! You know exactly how much money you're spending at any given time and by the time you check out. When all is said and done you give the scanner to the cashier and you're free to go.
The scanners will have a wireless thing, whatever it's called, so that they connect auto'magically' to the stores main computer thereby always updating.
If only I knew how to create, sell and/or market this!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday 4-20-08
It was a fantastically great night for me for many other reasons as well. For one thing, fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans!!! I would love to detail the rest but must tend to the Bug. She's on a nap strike lately and requires much more evening attention than usual.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Size 3!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Black Slime
Originally I had been accusing the renovation next door for robbing my child of her precious sleep. The building consists of four Town Houses, each seperated by a four foot slab of concrete. I was told we would hardly ever hear anything from another unit ... unless there happens to be drilling involved. When they drill the vibrations carry through the steel and it sounds like there is a jackhammer being used in each residence! All day long they made this noise. So naturally you can understand my accusations! I was ready to take serious action when they started up again today, at 9am. However, after this mornings events I now think the construction workers are innocent and have cancelled my plans to cut their power during Bug's naptimes.
My reasoning follows.
When she woke this morning she had a poopy diaper.... a black poopy diaper. Ick. (I took pictures to show Josh but... I don't think anyone really wants to see it on here!) I had read online that black was bad so I called our doctor who said to come in with the offensive diaper (and the baby of course).
She checked out the baby, and then the diaper. We were all in agreement that such a diaper should not have been opened in such small quarters without the use of noseplugs! But alas.
Her first comment, aside from 'pee-U!', was, "when you said black I thought you mean bloody-black." Did I say my daughter has a bloody diaper? No. I said black. One would think I'd mention blood! :) She said it was nothing to worry about, probably just constipation but to watch for any signs of diarrhea or vomiting. In which case we are to give her PediaLyte and bring her back in.
So I'm hoping against all odds that her poor sleeping has been due to intense gas pains. Maybe everything will go back to normal now that she has eradicated her bowels of the black slime that had taken up residence.
As I type this she is asleep in her car seat, no way were we going to risk waking her up after having woke her once already this morning!
So we will see how today goes. If the drilling resumes and her sleep is at risk I will be looking for a pair of wire cutters.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thank you...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I'm so proud of my Little Bug!!!
{Bug eating her Sweet Peas}
{Wasn't too fond of them!}
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm now a home-renowned Director.....
So anyway, we watched it last night and I need to make a few changes but other than that it's pretty much ready to go.
So, anyone who would like a copy, let me know!!! :)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Bug's present
We had to drive about 15 - 20 miles to UPS to pick up the package. On the way back, even with the help of GPS we managed to get lost, all the while Bug screamed bloody murder!!! I'm talking screamed. Top of her lungs, loud as she could get. We were getting stares from people in the cars next to us. They probably thought we were torturing our child! Just too far for her, farther than she's used to going when she's tired. Plus I think she still felt crappy from her shots yesterday. But once we got home and she got a nap she was a lot happier.
{wanted to taste it, as she does everything!}
{finally got a decent picture out of her!}
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Bug at the doctor....
She did really well for her shots too. Took the first one without any crying. Don't think she even noticed it. The other three she definitely noticed, she cried and screamed and cried some more. Mommy cried a little too :(
She weighs 17lbs and is 25 1/2 inches. At first the nurse tried to tell me she was 22 inches .... hmmm, she was 24 inches two months ago so is my baby shrinking already??!! She's in the 95th percentile of weight and 90th of length.
The shots took all the energy out of her.
Got in the car and she took a nap, about an hour later she was back to her happy, playful self!
You can go here to see her destroy the paper
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Clingy mom award goes to me!
First, I wake up of my own accord. Highly unusual since I'm used to Bug waking me up much earlier than I want every morning. So I go in to check on her and this is what I find.
My first thought was "oh my god, she's not supposed to be sleeping on her tummy" so I check her and at first I don't feel anything. Cue panic attack #1. Then I move my hand lower down her back and feel her breathing. Phew. And I think, of course shes fine, babies sleep on their tummy all the time no matter what the doctor says, what was I worried about? And she looks so cute and peaceful so I let her sleep that way. She woke up twenty minutes later, happy as can be.
On to panic attack #2.
Bug was in her crib playing after just having woke up 10 minutes prior. I was downstairs doing some dishes. I noticed a flier in the gate so I went out to get it. The front door shuts behind me and I think 'I wonder if someone locked the doorknob on their way out this morning'. Reach behind me, twist the doorknob and sure enough... locked.
Trying to stay calm I go to each of the sliding doors hoping one was open.... nope. So, as I'm contemplating whether our patio furniture is strong enough to break one of the windows, a possibility comes to me; maybe Jack (neighbor) knows how to break into the house without breaking in.
So I go next door and Jack says he used to have a spare key, so he goes in to check and when I'm seconds away from panic attack #2, he finally comes out..... dangling a key. Thank GOD!!!
I almost broke down in tears! So he let me in my house, I ran upstairs, grabbed Bug and squeezed her tight. Then I called Josh and used death threats to ensure that doorknob never gets locked again!
Today, I am the clingiest mom ever!!! :)