Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm so proud of my Little Bug!!!

This kid continues to amaze me.

Bug figured out how to roll from her back to tummy about three months ago. A couple days ago she finally figured out how to complete the cycle. Now she's mobile! She just rolls all over the floor. So fun to watch!!

Before I know it she'll be holding her own bottle. This is a feat she desperately wants to accomplish. She's tried for as long as I can remember, and she's starting to figure it out. Lately if we show her a bottle she'll grab for it, usually knocking it on the floor but when she does get two hands around it she'll try to bring it to her mouth. Only problem is she'll have the bottle pressed to her chest and just can't quite get the nipple in there. So we help her out and she'll hold it, but she won't bring it up to the right angle for the milk to flow through the nipple. We let her keep trying until she gets mad and starts screaming. Adorable! Can't seem to get it on video though!

She's been sleeping in her crib in her own room for 2.5 weeks now. I've recently started teaching her to fall asleep on her own for every nap (she's been doing it for bedtime since her third night in the crib) and she's done great. Which I didn't think was possible.

Last night was one of her greatest accomplishments yet. She slept all night long without being swaddled. We've swaddled her with one arm out for almost two weeks now and last night we figured 'go for it'. And, once again, she amazed me. She slept just fine. We haven't swaddled her since and I don't think we'll have to.

I just can't believe how well she adjusts to change. Anything that we throw at her she seems to take in stride. I hope this carries through into her childhood and adulthood. It's a great ability to have. To take what comes and make the best of it.

I can't say it enough; I'm so proud of my little Bug!!!

{Bug eating her Sweet Peas}

{Wasn't too fond of them!}

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