Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Night Shift Nanny

I need one.


I will buy them a twin bed.

They can sleep in Bug's room.

Take care of her night wakings and leave in the morning.

I will pay good money for this.

Not every night, three or four nights a week. Just enough so I can get caught up on sleep each week. I've had less than five hours of sleep the last few nights and tonight, well, since I'm writing this at 1:30am, I believe I'm destined for the same.

When I say good money, I mean very good money. I'll take it out of Bug's college fund. If she's going to take my night sleep away now, she can spend her college nights working as a Night Shift Nanny. Then we'll have come full circle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

(((HUGS))) got to love the 4-month crazies, huh?!