Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bug at the doctor....

Bug had her doctor's appointment today. She refused to take her nap this morning so I was afraid she was going to be grumpy but she did really good. We ended up waiting in the room for over an hour! She took that time to destroy the paper on the exam table. I had to tear off the old and pull out new FOUR times!!! She had a good time though.

She did really well for her shots too. Took the first one without any crying. Don't think she even noticed it. The other three she definitely noticed, she cried and screamed and cried some more. Mommy cried a little too :(

She weighs 17lbs and is 25 1/2 inches. At first the nurse tried to tell me she was 22 inches .... hmmm, she was 24 inches two months ago so is my baby shrinking already??!! She's in the 95th percentile of weight and 90th of length.

The shots took all the energy out of her.

Got in the car and she took a nap, about an hour later she was back to her happy, playful self!

You can go here to see her destroy the paper

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