Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Three's Company

We had a full bed again last night. Bug went to sleep on her own at 8:15 but woke up at 9 and wouldn't go back to sleep for three hours. We tried EVERYTHING. I almost lost my mind. She finally fell asleep after a quick bath and me rocking her (I think it was exhaustion that did the trick). I didn't want to risk laying her down just to have her wake up and start all over so I layed down with her and she stayed asleep. Thankfully she slept for 7 hours. Over the course of those 7 hours she woke me up 10 or 15 times with her squirming. Each time I was wide awake because I was afraid she was going to wake up so you can guess how I feel this morning....tired! She even managed to leave me with less bed room than last night. My body aches for a night of uninterrupted sleep in a big bed all to myself!

She seems to be doing a lot better though. Her temps down to 98 and she chugged her morning milk. She even ate a little solids! She's down for a nap now so we'll see how long she sleeps. Hopefully a while because she needs it!

I'll keep the updates coming

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