Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"I was gonna go to sleep, but then I got high"

I do believe Bug had a scary dream. 10:15pm she woke up with a scream. Literally, an ear-piercing, holy-shit-somethin's-coming-to-get-me scream. One of those long ones that only break when she's taking a breath.

I ran in and she was sitting in the corner of her crib and you could tell she was freaked out. I comforted her and she was ready to fall back asleep but all that trauma and screeching must have knocked loose some snot because her nose was plugged. There was no amount of aspirating that was gonna help. So I decided to give her some Benadryl (hey, doctor's orders!).

Josh came home as I was giving it to her so he got to see the effects. That chick went crazy the first ten minutes! I think they put Speed in Children's Benadryl just to screw with the parents.

Last time I gave it to her she was tired to begin with so she went to sleep right away and was very lethargic when she woke up. I'm hoping she tires out soon. I know I'm tired!

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