Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"I was gonna go to sleep, but then I got high"
I ran in and she was sitting in the corner of her crib and you could tell she was freaked out. I comforted her and she was ready to fall back asleep but all that trauma and screeching must have knocked loose some snot because her nose was plugged. There was no amount of aspirating that was gonna help. So I decided to give her some Benadryl (hey, doctor's orders!).
Josh came home as I was giving it to her so he got to see the effects. That chick went crazy the first ten minutes! I think they put Speed in Children's Benadryl just to screw with the parents.
Last time I gave it to her she was tired to begin with so she went to sleep right away and was very lethargic when she woke up. I'm hoping she tires out soon. I know I'm tired!
No Jinx-Backs!
Bug's doing better. The saline solution is doing wonders. She hardly coughs anymore so it's just the nose we have to take care of. It's quite disgusting. Still, no matter how sick she's still in good spirits.
Last night Josh wasn't feeling too well but luckily he felt fine when he woke up today. So maybe we'll all be better soon after all. ahh crap I just jinxed myself again didn't I?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Still sick :(
Saturday I was running a bit of a high temp so I went down to Urgent Care so they could put me on antiobiotics. They checked me out and gave me a scrip for a Z-Pac. Whatever that is. I'm taking it and we'll see how well it works. I still feel like crap.
Josh took yesterday off so I could try to relax which was nice but Bug didn't have the same thing in mind. She went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 1am. Wouldn't go back to sleep until 4am and was in our bed which means she was on me and I got no sleep. Great. Then she decided to wake up at 6am for the day. Me so tired :(
I had to take Bug back to the doctor today because she's not getting any better. The doctor we saw on Thursday was out so we saw a different doctor that we liked in the past. She said she doesn't think Bug has Bronchiolitis. She thinks it's just a bad respiratory illness. Her orders are saline solution three times a day or take her to the beach and dunk her in the ocean. I think I'll take option #1 :) She also said it was ok to give her cold medicine and recommended Children's Benadryl. Benadryl usually makes people sleepy so I figure I can use that to my advantage, she agreed. Mommy's sneaky :)
So the update is two-thirds of our family is sick. Josh is back at work for another six days so I have to muddle through on my own. At times like this I wish we lived closer to family. Wish us luck!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wonder, wonder, wonder...
Apparently, Bug woke up some time around 1am. I don't really remember what happened I just know the basics from Josh. He spent an hour or two in her room trying to get her back to sleep. After giving up he brought her into our room. Which I'd expressed to him was a big no-no since I wouldn't wake up if I rolled on her or something. Luckily (in my opinion anyway) she wouldn't sleep with us either. So around 4am he took her back into her room and apparently she went to sleep on her own. I don't know. All I remember is waking up around 4:30 and freaking out about the baby, she was sound asleep in her crib so I went back to bed. That's all I know.
I woke up this morning feeling so much worse than yesterday. I was hoping to be able to get some good sleep last night but with Bug being awake for three hours that didn't happen. Oh well. Maybe tonight. For now I need to figure out how to make it through the day. I'm taking DayQuil but I don't think it's working. I'm thinking about going to the doctor so I can get some antibiotics to clear me up quicker. Wonder if they'll prescribe anything for a cold...wonder if there's a doctor's office open on a Saturday....wonder if I'll work up the energy to find one and make a call....wonder if I'll ever end this post....wonder....
Friday, July 25, 2008
Good thing I don't fill prescriptions
Pediatrics: Use only in children whose visual acuity can accurately be determined and monitored (not recommended for use in children under 13 years of age unless the benefit outweighs the risk).
Ummm, nobody told me this. So I went online to see what I could find out for myself. I was confused with what I read so I got the bottle to make sure I was spelling it right and yeaaaaaaa.
I wasn't. It's not Arbutol. It's Albuterol. Nice.
So anyway. I don't know whether it's the medicine, the crib elevation or what the deal is but Bug slept for over 13 hours last night. In fact the only reason she woke up this morning when she did is because Daddy went in to check on her and he had just sprayed that damn body spray on himself and she smelled him. I think this because when she wakes up in the mornings she's always happy, even when sick. This time she was crying. My opinion is "I know daddy was here now where the hell did he go?!!?"
She does seem to be feeling a bit better this morning but we'll see how the day goes. I decided to strap her into her highchair for the Godzilla portion of our morning. I have to give her this stuff three times a day.
Oh, and if this post doesn't make sense it's because I'm sick. Full blown sick. Nose, throat, cough, head, brain. Blech.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Anyway, I told the nurse which doctors I was OK with and, more importantly, which doctors I did not want seeing my child. I also told her I wanted a time that would allow us to be in and out quicker without all the wait (also suggested by the aforementioned, picture-shy friend). She ended up giving us a 4pm appointment with a doctor we'd never seen before. We'll see how it goes. It's a good thing I didn't take the 2pm appointment she'd offered me or I'd have to take Bug out in this:
This was a light moment!
In case you were wondering,
the backwards alphabet in the lower right corner is Sesame Street
Ok, so we've been to the doctor, who I love. Bug liked her a lot too, she liked her paper/pen even more.
Even though Bug hasn't been eating even half her regular foods and what she has been eating has been mostly juice for the past three days she still managed to gain weight since Monday. She's 20.3lbs. Of course she hasn't pooped today either. Believe me, those bowel movements account for a lot of weight!
Moving past the feces talk.....
Here's what the doctor told me:
- When she got her finger pricked it was to make sure the infection was viral and not bacterial. (I asked for clarification due to, you guessed it! A suggestion from that wonderful friend who has been through it all!)
- Her ears both look perfectly fine.
- The Amoxicillin is working well for the initial infection but she has developed Bronchiolitis.
- We're lucky that we caught it this early because a couple more days and it may have worsened to the point where she would need to be on a Nebulizer. As it is, if her cough doesn't get better within the next two days or if it gets any worse, we have to bring her back in and she would need to use a Nebulizer
She is now on Amoxicillin, Arbutol and Motrin. Good thing she doesn't mind taking meds!
An interesting thing happened this evening. We were upstairs in Bug's room and I was elevating one side of her crib while she played. All of a sudden she became a terrorizing monster. Crawling at warp speed, pulling books off shelves by the dozen, ripping heads of stuffed animals (ok not really that last one), the whole time panting heavily. The whole scene made me think of a rabbit on speed for some reason. Anyway, as I'm starting to freak out thinking I accidentally gave my kid steroids and she's now on a Roid Rage I hear the doctor's voice in my head, "There is a big side effect that I need to tell you about. Arbutol will make her very hyper for a short bit." Ahhh crap. That kid has more energy than she can use in a day and we just multiplied it.
So after spending twenty minutes going Godzilla on her room all of a sudden she crashed. I think she overloaded. She started freaking out crying over the littlest thing and wanted to be held. So I held her, we went downstairs and watched Sesame Street. Then I think she had withdrawals, kept picking imaginary bugs off her arms..... (I jest, don't worry)
So point is, my poor baby is sick, I can hear her coughing in her sleep through the baby monitor as we speak. And I'm sick...just not as sick....and hopefully it'll stay that way.
BedBug again...
- Couldn't eat bottle because she couldn't breathe through her nose
- Couldn't fall asleep because she was laying flat
- Finally fell asleep after being elevated on the pillow
- Breathed through mouth while sleeping
And as a plus, Josh got to see how uncomfortable it is when she sleeps on you :)
This morning around 7:30 she crawled down between our knees with her head facing our feet and fell asleep with her tush in the air, that was pretty cute but I was too sleepy to get a picture so I had her reenact it for you :)
Well, something like that :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Finally some sleep!!!
I went out late last night and bought Infant Motrin since so many people have recommended it. We don't know if that's what helped her sleep but she wasn't as fussy so I think it helped with the pain, which is, of course, it's purpose.
She's still got a bad cough but I'm hoping the Amoxicillin takes care of that. Now we just have to break her of her bedtime habits. She goes to bed at her normal time but wakes up within an hour and stays up for 2-3 hours before finally going back to sleep. Hopefully it's just a sick thing and will go away when her cold does. We'll see.
So that's where we stand on the Bug front. On her way to health, mommy on the other hand isn't feeling so hot today. I have a bit of a cough too. Ruh-Roh!!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Three's Company
She seems to be doing a lot better though. Her temps down to 98 and she chugged her morning milk. She even ate a little solids! She's down for a nap now so we'll see how long she sleeps. Hopefully a while because she needs it!
I'll keep the updates coming
Monday, July 21, 2008
The results are in...........
Finally the doctor comes in, looks her over for all of a minute and sends us down the hall for blood work where they prick my poor child's finger. Then it's back to the room where the doctor tells us the results. From the minute the doctor walked in to the minute we walked out the door totals 22 minutes. Seriously. Two and a half hours of waiting for 22 minutes. This is the second time this has happened with this doctor. I'm going to pull a Dexter on him.
Anywho, here's what we learned today;
- Bug weighs 19.14lbs
- She has a steady temp of 101 - 102
- She has a cold
- The infection has spread to her ear but is not an ear infection
- She will be on Amoxicillin for the next ten days
- She does not like tongue depressors or things pricking her finger
- It is possible to stand in the doorway of a hallway, make eye contact and still have every single nurse ignore you
- No matter how sick or what kind of sick you are, taking a large, nasty poop will make you feel immensely better
- Laughing at the person who has to clean up the poop tops # 8
Great Baby of Fire!
She went to sleep at 7:30 last night, woke up and put herself back to sleep at 8, 8:45 and 9:15. Again I wrote it off to teething. Josh got home around 10 so when she woke up at 10:45 we decided to get her up for a little bit to see daddy and then put her back to bed. When we went in to get her she was burning up, you could feel heat radiating from her head from a couple inches away. She had a fever of 101.1. We gave her some baby Tylenol and comforted her and she fell asleep on daddy's chest.
Josh's work insurance has a 24 hour number you can call to speak to a registered nurse so we figured to play it safe and called. The gist of the conversation was that she was most likely fine, keep up with Tylenol, lots of fluids and checking temps, if she got above 104 take her to ER.
So we got her a bottle of juice and she slept with us. She'd wake up every twenty minutes with the exception of a two hour snooze. We'd give her some juice and her lovey and just comforted her until she fell back asleep. All in all I got about three hours of interrupted sleep, Josh on the other hand was out like a log at 12:45 and didn't wake (even though I practically shoved him off the bed at one point, but we all know how well he can sleep) for four hours. I was jealous but he was kind enough to get up with her at 7am and I was able to sleep for two more hours.
This morning she doesn't feel good but her temp went down to 99.9 and she's happier then the night before. She isn't eating much but I can't blame her, no one really has an appetite when they're hot enough to cook an egg on their forehead.
Through the night Bug would sleep right next to me like a little portable heater. At one point I had less than a foot to sleep on. See how much room she has next to daddy? She just kept squirming closer to mommy.
This is adorable, she drank her juice leaning on daddy and then fell asleep like this. (and yes his hand is in his pants)
There's something extremely cute about a baby in a grown-up bed sleeping like a grown up :)
I finally got more of the bed....but sacrificed my arm!
One of her happy moments this morning. You can still tell she's sick though :(
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
We need an exorciser to get the demon out of my child
We had a good first couple of days until the inevitable happened. Everytime a grandparent comes to visit that kid starts sprouting teeth. She's got her two uppers coming in now and yesterday afternoon they must have made quite an effort because we could see the outline in her gums where we couldn't a day prior and if we weren't sure her attitude made it quite clear. Hopefully she'll cut those babies before Nana and Grandpa leave so I don't have to deal with Damionetta.
Well we're going to try to make it to the beach today. It's been pouring the past few days, no matter where we live it seems to rain everytime they're in town. I think they bring it with them. Hopefully today we'll be able to make it.
I'll try to post again later on in the week.
P.S. new Bug DVD coming soon!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Much Needed Update
Bug is now 7 months old! She's learned all sorts of new tricks too!
In addition to crawling, clapping and pulling herself up she can do new things!
She can stand on her own for a few seconds at a time.
{Don't have a good video or picture of this yet}
She can crawl up the stairs.
At bath time she eagerly crawls to the tub.
{I was going to post a video but she doesn't have a diaper on and it shows a bit more than just baby butt!}
She loves taking showers with mommy and/or daddy.
Everytime the shower turns on she races to the bathroom and bangs on the door until we let her in. At least I'm able to get a shower whenever I want!
She's also learned how to blow raspberries on people...
All in all she's a very happy baby. Now if we can just get her to sleep past 6:30am.....