Sunday, August 17, 2008

As Worry Turns Into Crazy

So I know you're all dying to know whats going on with our hurricane and quite am I. We won't really know anything until tomorrow, most likely in the afternoon. They're currently saying that with the projectory of this and wind speeds of that, the hurricane will hit the west coast although they don't really know anything until the Tropical Storm gets to the Florida Straits. At that point it could completely change course and go our away or some other way. Has something to do with temp of water and this that blah de dah. I'm so sick of weather jargon. Just tell me whether or not to make a home in the walk in closet people!

So that's where we're at. I spent a lot of money on supplies today just in case and when I told my husband about it I got nastiness. Let's just say I had a long bitchy blog planned out. And then he called five minutes later and apologized so we're all good. Blog gone. Apparently he's having a terrible day at work. Poor thing. There was no sarcasm there by the way. Seriously. I'm not kidding! Why does no one believe me?!


Ok, better now. I think I need a beer. Ta-Ta for now!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL you are too funny.... I would have loved to see the bitchy blog!!! LOL